What is VoIP?voip-image

What can it do for you -

VoIP and IP telephony are becoming increasingly popular with large corporations and consumers alike. For many people, Internet Protocol (IP) is more than just a way to transport data, it’s also a tool that simplifies and streamlines a wide range of business applications. Telephony is the most obvious example.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is simply the transmission of telephone calls over IP-based networks.

VoIP is also the foundation for more advanced unified communications applications—including Web and video conferencing—that can transform the way you do business. The Internet Protocol (IP) was originally designed for data networking. The success of IP in becoming a world standard for data networking has led to its adaptation to voice networking.

Some history: Although VoIP is becoming more and more popular nowadays, it’s actually not a new solution at all. VoIP has been around in one form or another since 1973 when it began as an experiment by the US Department of Defense (Internet also was a US Military network as you may know).